It’s February, and LOVE is in the air! Time to share some 2022 trends we’re loving!
Yes, we’ve all been greening up ecologically for a while now, but it’s the color green that has style gurus buzzing. Every style indicator on the planet is pointing to green as THE color in 2022. From deep moss to fern and teal to olive. For walls, upholstery and accessories, green continues to grow in popularity. We’re loving the many moods of green–fresh, playful, serene, moody–and the many ways to incorporate this color into home decor.
Besides the perceptible tilt away from all white kitchens to green (and blue) cabinetry–as well as green glazed tile in kitchen and bath–we’re seeing a surge in green accent pieces in neutral interiors. And why not? Green reminds us of nature, and, in its many shades, brings the outdoors in. Are you on board with the green trend? Do you find yourself thinking how some touches of green might enliven your interiors?
Don’t forget the power of plants to bring green into your room! Real plants help to filter indoor air and even give a mood lift. No green thumb? Even faux plants can improve your mood and focus–gotta *heart* that!

Green (as in trees and grass) is just one of the “earth tone” colors gaining in popularity. Cooler tones like gray, of course, are still popular, but warmer hues are increasingly evident in paint, furniture and decorative accessories. Colors like sky and ocean blues, terra cotta, earthy browns, wheat gold–all are finding new fans in 2022. Along with this trend toward nature’s beautiful palette is the ongoing embrace of organic and artisanal items–raw wood, simple pottery, and natural fibers. We’re all in when it comes to natural. How about you?

Who could have predicted the meteoric rise of “Grandmillennial” style? Apparently more than a few millennials are eschewing what they feel is cold modernism and opting instead for a coziness that recalls their grandparents’ homes. Elements such as classic furniture (wing chair, anyone?), antiques, chinoiserie, and floral fabrics add up to a collected-over-time, comforting look–just what’s needed post-pandemic, right? Now, the New Traditional is a fresh take on grandma’s style because it may include some unexpected modern art or bold colors, but it is definitely nostalgic and vintage-inspired.
So, do any of these trends we’re LOVING strike a happy note with you? It’s good to know you don’t have to completely redecorate to work in a little bit of new. Maybe add some green to your tablescape?
A vignette that includes some earthy blue and artisanal pottery?

Or possible a side table refresh that’s a bit curvier and more traditional than you’ve used before?
We think there’s something to LOVE in each of these style trends, and we’d LOVE to help you find pieces that reflect these design directions. Stop by our Rockwall store on Ridge Road and visit with our associates. Or browse our online collections anytime at